Pimai Salt Company Limited
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The president and the committee of Responsible Care® take care of the chemical industry group of the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) and the members who participate in the "Responsible Care® On Tour" project visit the factory of Pimai Salt Co., Ltd. on Thursday, August 3, 2023
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- Hits: 2690
The group of Technical Promotion and Support Office, Region 5, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (21 persons), to visit salt plant operation, which produce purified brine using solution mining from dissolving underground and environmental management
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- Hits: 2439
The group of Faculty 's teachers and students (28 persons) from Faculty of Public Health, Vongchavalitkul University to visit salt plant operation
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- Hits: 2666
The group of Faculty 's teachers and students (82 persons) from Faculty of Engineering Ubon Ratchathani University, visited to the salt manufacturing plant. Scope of salt produce from solution mining
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- Hits: 2390
The group of Faculty 's teachers and students (106 persons) from Tavanchaividhaya School to visit the manufacturing plant scope of produce pure vacuum salt using brine from solution mining
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- Hits: 2370
The group of Palaeontological Research and Education Centre and students from Demonstration School of Mahasarakham University (72 persons) visited to the salt manufacturing plant.
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- Hits: 2058
The group of Faculty 's teachers and students (51 persons) from Faculty of Science, Khonkaen University to visit salt plant operation