3. Evaporation
The system consists of a stew of salt. Subset several parts: p>.
consists of small tubes. Many within the larger pipe (SHELL AND TUBE) pure brine is pumped into a pipe from the bottom to the heat from the vapor. The water surrounding the small tubes that salt water from the upper part of the pipe flows into the pot to boil and simmer
salt in the stew pot to boil violently. Water evaporates water And sucked up to the top of the stew pot. Salt crystals to flow into the lower part of the stew pot to the store salt (SALT LEG) saline part will flow out the side of the pipe connected to the pump circulation (CIRCULATION PUMP) for the addition of saline into the tube this. renewable up to receive heat from the steam. Heat exchangers for crystallization
steam at the top of the stew pot is drawn to the wash water. To clean the steam then passes to steam, compressed air (TURBO COMPRESSOR) is compressed steam to heat up. Then send it to heat the water in the heat exchanger. When steam heat to be condensed into distilled water (CONDENSATE) flowing out of the heat exchanger. And to dissolve the salt in the brine into salt cavity back up the new rotation. This circular p>.
brine and salt in the bottom of the pot simmer. Will flow to air dry flick This machine within a grid (BASKET) salt traps attached. When the work is saline flick And salt off to the side. Salt is stuck on the grill Salt water through a sieve to get out. And flows to the brine tank Which leads to more available The salt stuck on a wire rack to fall out of the grid. It was the product is pure salt (VACUUM SALT) to 99.99% with moisture (MOISTURE) 2-2.5% by weight.